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Did a wind or hail storm only affect your neighborhood? Can your insurance cover the damage to your roof?

June 15, 2022

Did a wind or hail storm only affect your neighborhood? Can your insurance cover the damage to your roof?

The insurance usually will cover roof damage as well as any structural damage that is caused by a peril covered. Damage to your garage's roof or other structures on the home is also covered under this section of your insurance policy.

However, not every issue of roof replacement is covered by your insurance, and roof damage can occur in many ways.

If your roof was neglected over time and has deteriorated due to that result, the roof's damage might not be protected by your insurance company, and the claim could be rejected. It is also possible to be denied coverage when your roof is damaged through flooding, earthquake, or a mudslide, provided you have insurance for these types of hazards.

The damages caused by storms or hail are typically covered by a standard insurance policy; however, it is typical for insurers to set separate deductibles for these perils.

Does my homeowner's insurance cover hail and wind damages on my roofing?

A typical home insurance policy covers hail and wind because they are the two most frequent reasons for roof damage. In states that are prone to these dangers more often than other areas, insurance companies tend to raise the price of their insurance policy to account for the increased risks and the frequent claims.

The extent of the damage can determine how much you are eligible for the insurance company to cover the damages. For example, if a few shingles of your roof were damaged with a few tiny scratch marks following a hailstorm, the insurer of your home could declare it "cosmetic" damage, which is a standard home insurance exclusion. Practically the possibility is that it's not worth declaring a claim on aesthetic roof damage in the first place because the deductible might be higher than the actual cost of the damage.

Does the homeowner's insurance cover leaks in the roof?

Your insurance provider for your home will pay for a roof leak when:

The leak was the result of an incident that's covered under your insurance policy. The incident was sudden, swift, and didn't build up over several years.

This could be a point of dispute in homeowner insurance policies; however, the fact that a leak was a complete shock to the homeowner could be seen as an example of carelessness to the insurer.

If, for instance, the area you reside in is a winter climate, and your roof is coated with snow every winter, you won't be aware of the gradual decline until a major storm strikes and a significant section starts leaking. Even if the incident that caused the leak occurred during a massive storm, your insurance company may think that the damage is slow and deny you a claim.

Is my claim able to be denied by the insurance company if the roof isn't in good condition?

When you have signed your homeowner insurance form, the insurance company will then send an adjuster to the roofing insurance claim to verify that the information you provided in the application is accurate and decide if any adjustments to your coverage are required. The issue isn't only about the coverage limit; the insurance company also wants to assess whether you're worthy of insuring based on the likelihood that you'll be filing claims. They've had a history of denying claims after inspection.

The roof's condition and the age can be one of the main building blocks of your house that they check. If the age of the roof exceeds 20 years, some insurance companies will not renew policies without undergoing a thorough inspection by a roofing company during the process of claiming roofing insurance.

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